Work Supports
Meaningful, gainful employment is an integral part of society. It is the means to economic self-sufficiency and independence. It builds self-esteem and enables each person to have a desirable lifestyle. It is the intent of Work Support Services to provide each person an opportunity to take his or her place in our nation’s workforce as a contributing member. It is to this end we provide a choice of meaningful work based on individual interests and skills. This is accomplished through the following different program areas:
Our non-facility based program provides opportunity for work in the community at several locations. These include Aloha Shaved Ice, Hidden Treasures Thrift Store, and Tri Jens Coffee Shop in Stanley. The Wise Penny Thrift Store, OSOM Carwash, and the Over the Rainbow Daycare are located in Williston.
Our facility-based program provides an opportunity to develop work skills while employed at T & T Services and TCC. People employed at these sites have a more intense level of supports available to them throughout the workday.
Supported Retirement provides individualized activities for people who have chosen to retire from work. As with any other retired person, they have increased choices in what they do with their time.